Is it runner’s knee? I actually have no idea.
It came on unexpectedly. I didn’t hurt it. I didn’t do anything stupid. I hadn’t run much the previous week & I ran a bit harder when it started but I still warmed up and I’d been running a few times a week for about a year.
Lifted the next day.
Did sprints on the weekend. That was a bad idea.
Nursed it for about a week & it seemed to get better.
Ran on Thursday & it flared up again so I jumped off & hit the rowing machine.
Ran on Friday & I could feel it but it wasn’t terrible.
Ran & felt it on Saturday so hit the rowing machine. Lifted (including squats & deadlifts). Hurt a bit.
Was hoping this morning that I’d be ok. Was feeling it a bit but hoped I could ease into it. Went out for a run & sure enough, it did start yelling at me a ways in. Stopped running about 1/2 way & walked the rest of the way home.
After several hours, it’s bugging me again & I think it’s something to do with the muscles or fascia above & around my knee. Will work on it & see how it goes.
I’ve got the perfect resource to get it fixed to. Have a friend who works on many of the Cardinals & I’d bet money she can knock this out.
Crazy busy right now so might just swim for a couple days & see if I can address it after that.